Sunday, April 20, 2014

No Mosquito Bites Anymore

                          Anti Mosquito Software

"Anti Mosquito" is a small utility that shall drive mosquitoes the far away from your computer area.
This software produces mosquito repellent ultra sound. Then mosquito fly away from your PC Computer area.

How does it work?

This software produces mosquito repellent ultra sound.

This sound causes an undesirable effect on mosquitos,
That's why this software drives away mosquitos from your computer. 

The sound range  which is this program produce beyond the audible range of humans. That's why you can't hear it. Pests and other animals can through  hear the very same frequency.  

This sound produces an undesirable effect on mosquitos and other pests thus restrain them from flying.  

This ultra sound is completely safe from damaging your hearing.

How to run this software ►

Information from- ''

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